Rueda compresora 200-00423-200
54399700005 / 54399700012 / 54399880012 / 54399700016 / 54399880016 / 54399700023 / 54399880023 / 54399700047 / 54399880047 / 54399700050 / 54399700050 / 54399700083 / 54399880083 / 54399880005 / 54399880016 / 54399700061 (lathing the compressor housing) / 54399880061 (lathing the compressor housing)/ 54399700062 (lathing the compressor housing) / 54399880062 (lathing the compressor housing) / 54399700085 (lathing the compressor housing) / 54399880085 (lathing the compressor housing) / 54399700059 (lathing the compressor housing) / 54399880059 (lathing the compressor housing) / 54399700089 (lathing the compressor housing) / 54399880089 (lathing the compressor housing)